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Donard School

A Bridge to Learning

  1. Classes
  2. Class 10


May 2024

 May has been an enjoyable month with lots of outdoor learning and activities. Class 10 have been exploring the life cycle of frogs and even created a frog pond in the sensory garden. All pupils have enjoyed visiting it to check for life! Our topic has been on Earth and how to keep our planet clean. 

April 2024

  April has been a fun and busy month enjoying outdoor learning in Forest Schools. Class 10 have been exploring the science around Spring to include making and painting daffodils as well as dissecting them! We even made daffodil cakes in cookery!

March 2024

In March we enjoyed literacy week and class 10 focused on Roald Dahl’s ‘Charlie and the chocolate factory’ class 10 looked at the characters in the book to discuss their attitudes and behaviours! We also designed our own chocolate bar cover and enjoyed making chocolate bars in cookery! We even found some golden tickets in a few!

February 2024

Class 10 finished our winter topic which included lots of practical activities and facts on a variety of animals. We created some beautiful art pieces including painting a love heart candle for Valentine's and we purchased some goodies at the Donard shop! 

January 2024

January has been a busy month! We have focused our attention on time and all the different things that can completed in 1 minute, hours or days. We have also been exploring the season of winter including the wonderful weather in Northern Ireland and arctic animal facts! Lots of art and cookery to get the month through! 

December 2023 

Class 10 enjoyed lots of celebrations in December! We also enjoyed our first Nativity play in many years and this was a great success! We performed with the choir at Tesco’s and enjoyed a joint break with other classes from Middle School. We also crafted some art pieces to take home! Merry Christmas

November 2023

November has been a month of exploring time concepts, class 10 have completed a variety of activities and games to think about and use time daily. We have also looked at food journeys and made our own butter and baked some bread! In numeracy we have been using natural items to explore symmetry, lots of fun!

October 2023

October has been a fun month exploring Autumn. Lots of literacy and numeracy activities to include writing about our senses in Autumn as well as measuring, weighing and counting autumnal items such as acorns, leaves and apples. We explored apples by cutting them up and investigating what was inside, we made apple crumble and even created a farm shop to sell apples! Apple-tastic!

September 2023

It has been lovely to get back to school and class 10 have been working well and settling back into school life! We completed activities on 'All About Me' and played lots of games to find out the different types of things we enjoy to include toys and food! We created some art projects using the green screen and enjoyed exploring outside to look for the start of autumn. 

Class 10 - June 2023

And that's a wrap!  We can't believe the term has come to an end!  We have managed to fit in so much over the last moth, let alone the last school year.  We all had a great time at our first Colour Fun event.  We enjoyed a visit from the Fire Service and the ice-cream van.  We planted sunflower seeds and did some sunflower art, and in cookery we made milkshakes and attempted to make cheese cakes.  We also took some of our sesnory activities outside to make the most of the good weather.   We take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support and wish you all a happy and safe summer holiday - see you all in September!

Classs 10 - May 2023

Don't listen to anyone who thinks schools take it easy in the third term.  In Class 10 we have been busy celebrating the Coronation, had our Sponsored Walk, enjoyed a High Five Friday outdoor disco, celebrated a 16th birthday and partied at the Interschools Formal.  And we still managed to get our art work done as well as cookery and our sensory programmes, all connected to our Sea and Oceans topic.  

Class 10 - April 2023

The pupils in Class 10 had a fun time in April.  We enjoyed lots of sensory exploration around the theme of Easter, especially when there was chocolate involved.  We were able to go to Solitude Park for a walk and we definitely didn't let the weather dampen our spirits.  We came back from the Easter break all refreshed and ready to tackle the third term, looking at our topic of Spring.  We also had a visit from Debutots where we listened to a special version of 'The Gruffalo'.  

Class 10 - March 2023

We had a great time in March with so much fun exploring our food topic - though not sure if we all loved tasting the lemons.  We had some Music Therapy with Music Live Now - the pupils loved the interactions and playing with the instruments.  We enjoyed art and sensory play for St Patrick's Day and Mother's Day and prepared some treats for Easter.

Class 10 - February 2023

Class 10 pupils have continued exploring the season of winter through the senses.  Work has now begun on our topic of Food, where we are enjoying lots of sensory experiences through the arts, cookery and our sensory programmes of Tacpac and Sensology.  We loved having our visits with Dolly the Donkey.  It was so nice to see the interest and confidence grow each week.  

Class 10 - January 2023

What a start we have had to the new year.  Class 10 pupils have been busy exploring winter with lots of sensory experiences - and of course we loved that it snowed!  We have had fun creating Chinese New Year art and some pupils have been outside enjoying time with Dolly the Donkey.

Class 10 - December 2022

What busy elves the pupils of Class 10 have been.  We have enjoyed doing some Christmas arts and crafts, and lots of Christmas cookery.  We have also been busy with our sensory progammes, enjoying decorating our Christmas tree and tasting/smelling everything Christmas.  And not forgetting our visit from Santa.  Wishing you all the best for a peaceful Christmas and a happy new year, the staff and pupils of Class 10.

Class 10 - November 2022

Class 10 continued to explore our topic of the Circus and enjoyed lots of messy play and cookery, as well as lots of sensory input.  We also had a visit from the dentist and we were super stars for the the Dental Team.  We are looking forward to lots of festive crafts and treats over the next few weeks.

It is time to formally welcome one of our pupils to the Senior School - we are looking forward to making lots of happy memories with this wee lady!

Class 10 - October 2022

In October the pupils of Class 10 had fun exploring lots of sensory activities linked to the Circus topic.  We have also enjoyed some Circus art, messy play and cookery activities, as well as regular Music Therapy.  

Class 10 - September 2022

Class 10 pupils have been busy getting to know each other over the past few weeks.  We have had lots of sensory input and exploration within the classroom and beyond.  Our pupils enjoyed time in the sensory dome and have enjoyed lots of Autumn themed Tacpac and massage.  We also took part in Music Therapy.  Our pupils and staff are looking forward to a fun filled year together.  

Class 10 June 2022

Class 10 have had a lovely month enjoying some outdoor learning. We also had a wonderful Disney related sports day and an emotional prize giving event! The children were so proud of their achievements as we are too! Such a successful year for our pupils in class 10, well done! ⭐️

Class 10 May 2022

Class 10 enjoyed an educational visit to the farm in May! This was so exciting as this was our first trip out in so long, we had so much fun looking at the farm animals and enjoying time in the play park with our friends.  We also enjoyed a garden party to celebrate the Queen’s jubilee, lots of fun, dancing and eating! 

Class 10 April 2022

Lots going on in class 10 this month! We have been investigating the farm, including naming all the animals found there, their sounds and we had a visit from some real life chicks to class! We also enjoyed our ‘Bake Off’ day and dressed up as pirates, we made some hot dogs for our ‘showstopper’ and it was just fab!

Class 10 March 2022

Class 10 have had an eventful March with lots of outdoor activities and learning taking place.  The class enjoyed a trip to Tollymore forest where we enjoyed exploring nature, bark rubbings and searching for mini beasts.  This was such a success and the children thoroughly enjoyed the day out.  The topic this month was light and electricity and the children made simple circuits, they even used fruit to create light! We also explored shadows with light and made a puppet show. Enter text...

Class 10 February 2022

Class 10 investigated the people who lived in the Arctic and we enjoyed our ice quiz to test our knowledge.  We also made lovely Valentine’s cards and gifts for our loved ones at home and we created an inspirational video to show our fabulous dance moves! We hope you like it!

January  2022  Update

Class 10 have been exploring the season of Winter! We have been very lucky to have had some snow this month and we have been investigating what we can do with ice! We even made ice bracelets to see how long they would last.  We have also discovered animals found in the Arctic ( polar bears) and Antarctica ( penguins) and we created our own class igloo.... it is definitely as cool as ice! 

December 2021 Update 

Class 10 have been celebrating the season of Christmas.  We have enjoyed playing lots of Christmassy numeracy and literacy games as well as creating art pieces.  Class 10 have been baking Christmas treats as well as making some fun videos.  Class 10 would like to wish everyone a merry Christmas and a happy new year.  

November 2021 update 

 October 2021 update

September 2021 update





Class 10 Update - January 2020

Class 10 are embracing our new cultures topic about ‘Africa.’ We have been learning all about the country and what it is like to live there. We made some African food and shared our curried mince, couscous and flatbread with everyone at the Food Market on ‘Wellness’ Day. The pupils worked off their treats by taking part in a dance workshop. We also did some taste testing of African fruits served with warmed honey and cinnamon. We designed some African pots using pastels and then made our creations out of clay. The pupils also painted African sunset pictures with wild animal silhouettes. A busy month for a hard working bunch of young people!