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Donard School

A Bridge to Learning

  1. Classes
  2. Class 4

Class 4: May and June 2024 update

The pupils have been working so hard,  learning about Living Things. We explored birds, sea creatures and  animals that live in the jungle. We have watched our class caterpillars transform into beautiful butterflies. We had fun outside including a water play day! We had amazing fun at our Colour Run and our poor mums had their work cut out trying to get the blue and green paint off our faces, hair and arms! 

We made our families proud at our Prize Giving morning with lots of certificates, medals and cups being won! We are looking forward to our end of year outing to Global Adventure Soft Play Centre. 

Class 4: April 2024  Update

We were glad to see the pupils back after the Easter break and we have been learning all about 'Spring'. We have enjoyed both indoor and outdoor learning. We have been working hard on individual targets and developing our Literacy and Numeracy skills. Our highlight was our day practicing our archery skills!


Class 4 : March  2024 update

Pupils in Class 4 have been busy completing learning tasks both indoors and outdoors. We enjoyed Literacy week as well as Easter craft activities and particularly enjoyed the Paris bubbles experience. 

Class 4 : February 2024 update

All the pupils have had a busy month. We celebrated one of our pupil's 8th birthday, as well as Valentine's Day and Pancake Day. Everyone has been learning both in the classroom and by exploring outdoors. We have been working on early numeracy and literacy work and having fun learning all about cars, trains and planes as part of the topic of 'Transport'. 

Class 4 January 2024 update 

We were so glad to welcome the pupil back after the Christmas break. Everyone has been working really hard in Literacy and Numeracy as well as learning about ‘Winter’.

The pupils have produced some lovely seasonal artwork and enjoyed sessions of Attention Autism as well as outdoor learning and cookery.

Class 4 December 2023 update

December has been a very busy month. We enjoyed making decorations for the school Christmas tree and performing for our parents at the Junior School concert. Our highlight was our Christmas party and seeing Santa. 

We would like to take this opportunity to wish all Class 4 families a very happy, peaceful and healthy Christmas. We look forward to welcoming all our pupils back again in 2024. 

Class 4 November update 

This month the pupils in Class 4 have been learning about Fairy Tales and Castles. One of our pupils celebrated his 8th birthay and we enjoyed practical learning activies for Nursery Rhyme week. We are busy rehearsing for our upcoming Christmas Show and look forward to performing for our families.  

Welcome to the NEW Class 4!

Update September/October 2023

All pupils have enjoyed the new class grouping and made new friends.

We have been so busy in Class 4 with Numeracy and Literacy tasks as well as exploring the topics of Autumn and Harvest. We have just had Numeracy week on the topic of Transport and are looking forward to some Halloween activities. 


June 2023

Class 4 have had a wonderful school year making lots of precious memories.  We Hope everyone has a safe, enjoyable and fantastic Summer Break.  

May 2023

May has been a short month with all of our Bank Holiday's.  We have been extremely busy engaging in lots of topic activities that are photographs have been limited, but we have loved seeing an increase in engagement levels and interaction.  The highlight of this month was when we joined together with Junior School for a King and Queens Ball to mark the King Coronation.  

April 2023

April has been a busy month of concentrating on IEP targets and Intensive Interaction.  This month we have been exploring Spring .  Our sensory story was called 'I see Spring' and we explored lots of Spring related prop. This term we planted some seeds and explored fresh flowers and made our own lavender flower picture during art.  To finish the month we enjoyed our sponsored walk around school. 

March 2023

Wow! March has been a busy month in class.  We have been having a wonderful time exploring our topic FOOD.  We have been using our senses to explore sweets, chocolate, fruit and vegetables, dairy and all things starchy.  Our sweet and chocolate tasting session went down a treat! This month we have celebrated World Book Day, Pancake Tuesday and made some gifts for Mother's Day.  

February 2023 

February we continued our Winter themed activities and engaged in lots of valentine themed activities.  This month we have been extremely lucky and have been enjoying Donkey Therapy Sessions.  Class 4 have loved 'Dolly' the Donkey, especially when Dolly decided to sneeze!

January 2023

Happy New Year!

January was all about Winter! we had a wonderful time exploring lots of different Winter experiences, our favourite was the snow storm! This month we celebrated Chinese New Year and had a food tasting session, not too sure if the sweet and sour was a hit! We did enjoy the exploring dragons and Chinese lanterns. 

December 2022 

The month of Christmas.  Our Sensory Story this month was 'One Christmas', with lots of exploration of cookies, ice, sparkling lights, mince pies, Santa getting stuck up a Chimney and not forgetting a turkey dinner.  This month we explored Christmas through our sensory programmes of TacPac, Sensology and during exploration time.  We ended our term with a visit on the Sensory Fun Bus, which was a great experience.  Class 4 would like to wish everyone a wonderful Christmas and a happy and healthy 2023.

November 2022

Wow! Class 4 have had a wonderful month exploring our Circus Topic.  We had a fantastic session exploring lots of props and engagement levels were at an all time high!  We had our very own Clown who was squirting water and grabbing our attention with a diabolo.  We had colourful wigs, a unicycle, juggling balls, spinning plate on sticks and light up spinning toys.  We particapted in Nursery Rhyme week, with lots of singing and craft activities. 

October 2022

What a busy month we have had! Class 4 enjoyed a day out to Armagh to see the show 'THAW', which 'The Replay Theatre' kindly preformed.  Everyone had a wonderful time.  This month we have been busy exploring Autumn, an introduction to our Circus Topic and Halloween.  We even managed to squeeze in Hi-Five Friday and Music Therapy.  Class 4 have been developing their independence skills across all areas of the Curriculum and have demonstrated increased engagement, which has been fantastic.   

September 2022

A lovely welcome back to everyone in Class 4.  We are very excited for a busy year ahead!  Class 4 have settled back into school life fantasically.  We have been busy learning learning 'All About Ourselves' and we have now started our Autumn Topic.  We have been busy with lots of sensory experiences and had a wonderful time when 'The Big White Coach' came to school to visit.  

CLASS 4 2021/2022

May 2022

Class 4 had a fantastic May; we have loved our topic 'On the farm'. We have explored lots of different animals. In art we made sheep, cows, and pigs. Our farm sensory story was loved by all and they loved investigating the farm with Farmer Fred in the story. Everyone has also loved our cookery where we made rice cake sheep and pigs. Class 4 also love getting outside to explore the sensory garden and to play in the park!

April 2022

Class 4 had a fabulous April. We had so much fun going on an Easter Egg Hunt during our sensory story time. We also enjoyed some Easter themed cookery on Fridays -making Easter nests and then taking part in the Show Stopper Challenge were we made some 'Camping' themed treats. A highlight of our week in class 4 has to be our Attention Grabbing sessions - they always bring a smile to everyones face! 

March 2022

February  2022 

January 2022

 December 2021

 November 2021

October 2021 

September 2021 


The pupils in Class 4 have been developing skills in parachute games both indoors and outside in the good weather. They have been learning to bounce a ball on it but it is difficult sometimes to keep it on the parachute! We are having fun trying!




Class 4 Update - January 2020

Pupils in Class 4 have been working well on their Numeracy and Literacy work after the Christmas break. We started a new topic of ‘Where I live’ as well as exploring the topic of ‘Winter’.

We took part in the Healthy Food Fayre and enjoyed some dancing in the afternoon.