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Donard School

A Bridge to Learning

  1. Classes
  2. Class 6


January 2024

We have celebrated the New year with a big bang in class 6 and enjoyed exploring all things Winter. We have enjoyed listening and feeling all the different props for our sensory story "Snow Bear". We enjoyed all our favourite subjects including Attention Autism, cookery, art, Sensory Music, senseology and P.E. We cant wait to celebrate the rest of the school year. 

December 2023

We have been exploring all things Christmas! We have made lots of yummy Christmas treats and did some lovely Christmas artwork. We have enjoyed our Christmas sensory story and we loved putting up our Christmas decorations and decorating our class tree. We even enjoyed a lovely surprise visit from Santa Claus himself! We have been rehearsing for our Christmas performance in the assembly hall. We hope our families have enjoyed our show!

We are super excited for Christmas day and we wish all our families a very merry Christmas. 

November 2023

Class 6 have been enjoying the topic "Sensational Stories". Our sensory story for the month was Cinderella and we loved making some lovely Cinderella artwork. We have been working hard this month and engaged well with all our subjects including: art, music, sensory drama, sensology, TacPac, table activities, cookery and attention autism. We have started to practice for our Christmas show and we have started to countdown the days until Christmas! We are so excited for December! 

October 2023

Class 6 have been exploring Autumn and all things spooky for Halloween. We have enjoyed listening to our sensory story about the Autumn forest and feeling all the props along with it. We have been busy making yummy Autumn treats for cookery and making some lovely Autumn and Halloween art. We have engaged well with music therapy with Hannah and we enjoyed attending our Halloween disco. We wish you all a Happy Halloween from Class 6. 

September 2023


Class 6 have been busy this month settling back into school. We have explored the topics All about me and are starting our new topic Sensational stories. We have been focusing on the story "We're going on a bear hunt". We have loved taking part in our favourite activities such as art, attention autism, sensory story, cookery, TacPac and Sensology. We are all excited for a busy year ahead. 

January 2023

Class 6 have enjoyed exploring different musical instruments in relation to one of our topics this term; ‘Food from different cultures.’ We have explored food from India and also explored their cultural dances. We have created our own Winter animals in Art - including a penguin and a polar bear! We are continuing to work hard on our targets and focus on our communication skills. We were very excited by the arrival of snow in school and loved exploring this in our tuff tray. 

December 2022

Class 6 have loved the magical atmosphere of Christmas n Donard School. We have enjoyed decorating our very own tree and experimenting with different Christmas themed activities in Attention Autism. Including how much water is involved to allow thick, red paint to travel through a small funnel. We are continuing to work hard in our Literacy and Numeracy lessons; supporting this with sensory input. A firm favourite is mark making in sand - Class 6 love messy play! We love to listen to sensory stories with lots of props - the sillier the better! We put a lot of effort into creating our own stocking to put on the fire place for Santa. We even created our own snow storm! 

November 2022

Class 6 have enjoyed their topics of ‘People Who Help Us’ and finishing their Autumn work. We have explored how the dentist looks after our teeth and how firefighters do their job. During circle time we have enjoyed playing games and taking turns together. We have been working hard during our numeracy and literacy table based sessions and making some lovely play dough creations, like hedgehogs, during play. Music therapy has been lots of fun experimenting with different instruments and we made a lovely a lovely kindness rainbow as part of our ‘High 5 Friday’ activities. We met Melvin the tortoise as part of ‘vet’ week and he felt very bumpy and wrinkly! During our fine motor sessions we liked using the hammers and nails and cooked up a storm in our role play corner! We are enjoying our sensory circuit in the hall also. Overall, we have had a very busy month and looking forward to what jingles next month brings! 

October 2022

Class 6 have been getting ‘spooky’ this month, what with our topics including Halloween, Autumn and Harvest. We have really enjoyed exploring  our activity based sessions everyday, including having our own Class 6 ‘sweet shop’ and having our senses tingled with all of our sensory experiences. During circle time we have enjoyed playing in the bubbles and creating some wonderful art masterpieces based on our topics; ranging from scarecrows to ghosts to Autumn leaf hedgehogs! We are enjoying the range of objects and instruments we are experiencing in Attention Autism and music; including musical sticks and flags. We are continuing to try really hard with our Literacy and Numeracy sessions. We are becoming more independent with our fine motor activities and we really enjoy winding down during ‘You choose’ time. Overall, Class 6 have worked so hard and did so well this term; we are excited for what we will get up to after the Halloween break. We have definitely been having a ‘Spooktacular’ time! 

September 2022 

Class 6 have done such a great job of settling back into school! We have enjoyed learning ‘All About Me’ and ‘Autumn.’ We have loved experiencing our Music Therapy sessions with Cherith, the Sensory Dome and the Sensory bus. We have liked making sensory trees with paint and cotton wool balls and the bubbles have been a real hit during our music sessions. We are starting to get to know the actions really well in our songs during morning group and love playing outside on the bikes. Take 10 is a great time for us to relax and we have been working really hard on our targets. Dough Disco is so much fun and in Attention Autism we got to play with the leaves and shaving foam! We have been working hard on our letter and sound work, not to mention our reading time! These are only some of the things we have been getting up to but we can’t wait for some more fun over the next coming weeks!

Class 6 - April 2022

Class 6 have been busy learning about Spring and Easter.  We have done lots of craft  work on Spring.  We have been taking part in PE sessions with Rachel which we have really enjoyed.  We have also started the Happy Healthy Minds, where we have enjoyed lots of sensory activities.  

Class 6 - March 2022

Class 6 all really enjoyed our two outdoor learning sessions led by Tim and Carys from Field Studies Ireland. The experience was made extra special as we got to join our friends from class 7. Tim and Carys encouraged us to use all our senses to experience nature in our school’s beautiful sensory garden. Worms were dug up, birds nests were investigated, leaves were analysed, flowers were smelled and campfires built. It truly felt as if Winter had vanished and Spring had arrived!

I hope you enjoy the lovely photos of outdoor learning and our celebration of St. Patrick's Day.

Class 6  - February 2022

Class 6 thoroughly enjoyed all the Valentine's Day activities. I hope you enjoy the wonderful photos.

Class 6 - January 2022

Class 6 are very happy to be back in school after their Christmas break. We are all really enjoying our new winter topic as you can see from the lovely photos!

Class 6 - December 2021

Class 6 have enjoyed being involved in all the fun activities in the lead up to Christmas. We produced beautiful Christmas art and craft work. We had good fun taking part in the Santa Run with all the junior classes. We completed the Elf Mission by making reindeer food, icing buns for Mrs Claus and decorating Christmas trees. We also dressed up as characters from the Nativity Story to remember that Jesus is the reason for the season. 


Class 6 wish all our families and friends a very happy Christmas and New Year.   

Class 6 - November 2021

The month of November in class 6 has been filled with lots of work in literacy and numeracy, well balanced with creative and fun activities. We learned about road safety and collectively produced a wonderful poster on being brave as part of anti-bullying week. We made fruit skewers, toasties and rice krispie buns in cookery. We have enjoyed lots of physical activities outside and have started our Christmas arts and crafts. We are all looking forward to a busy and fun filled December in school.

Class 6 - October 2021
October has been a very busy month in class 6.  All the pupils were involved in a wide range of activities during our jungle themed numeracy week.  We celebrated harvest and explored the rich colours of autumn in art and sensory play.  The fun Halloween activities were a big success.  We have all enjoyed lots of outdoor learning, especially in the play park and beautiful sensory garden. 

Class 6 September 2021 

This month the boys have been busy getting to know each other.  We have been having fun creating some Autumn art and enjoyed lots of cookery sessions.  We have also started looking at our theme of Celebrations, starting with birthdays.  The boys have played party games and enjoyed a real birthday party.  We are looking forward to lots of fun learning over the coming year.  





Class 6 Update - January 2020

Happy New Year everyone from all of Class 6!!

We kicked off the New Year with a Healthy Eating Day where we tasted lots of different foods and then enjoyed a dance session with Kelly Fitsteps.

We have started our new topic of celebrations and this month we learned about New Year and the Chinese New Year. We even learned some Chinese greetings and phrases.

We have also been learning about Winter and Arctic Animals. We had lots of fun trying to help the animals escape when they were trapped in the ice. We also had fun testing magnetic materials.

In cookery we made Stick Man Banana Muffins, Winter Vegetable Soup and had a Chinese Buffet, which was a huge hit with everyone. Being very authentic in our Chinese Restaurant we used chopsticks and had a fortune cookie to finish our meal.

We have also created some lovely Winter Art and using charcoal and chalk we made beautiful penguins which are proudly displayed in our classroom.

We also had 3 birthdays in Class 6 in January, 2 birthday boys and a birthday girl. Happy Birthday!!