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Donard School

A Bridge to Learning

  1. Classes
  2. Class 9

 Class 9

Class 9


June 2024

Can't beleieve we have reached the end of another busy school year.  We have had a blast in Class 9 this month.  We finished our work on tens and units in numeracy.  Learnt about the life cycle of a frog and butterfly, and also made frog biscuits and butterfly buns.  The boys thoroughly enjoyed our whole school 'Colour Fun Run'.  Everyone was recognised for their achievements this year at our annual prize-giving ceremnoy.  We have also enjoyed music theray, swimming lessons and lots of outdoor learning opportunities.

The staff in Class 9 would like to wish you all a fun, happy, warm and safe summer holidays. 

May 2024

This month the boys have enjoyed completing cross-curricular activities about Travel and Transport.  We made paper aeroplanes and flew them outside, we released hot air 'helium' balloons and made boats and sailed them on water.  We finished our topic by converting our classroom into an airport and 'Easyjet' aeroplane.  The boys took on the roles of check-in staff, baggage handlers, cabin crew and pilots.  We have been working on full, nearly full, half full, almost empty and empty in measure and have also worked on money and 3D shapes.  This month we were lucky enough to have a visit from Ulsterbus to talk about road and bus safety.  We also completed lots of literacy, art, cookery and attention autism sessions.  We cannot believe we are heading into our last month of the school year.

April 2024

This month the boys have enjoyed lots of cross-curricular activities and have learnt lots about the season of Spring.  We went on a scavenger hunt/sensory walk around the school looking for signs of Spring.  We planted flowers into pots and have them outside our mobile.  We have been working on measure and have started working on tens and units in number.  This month we have also been looking at personal hygiene and did lots of work during circle time and attention autism to teach the boys about it.  We also did lots of literacy, PE, art and cookery. 

March 2024

This month the boys have enjoyed lots of cross-curricular activities for our 'Food themed Literacy Week' and World Book Day.  The also made beautiful buns and cards for Mother's Day and had lots of fun completing the St. Patrick's attention autism and activity based learning tasks.

They continued with their 'Transport' topic work and learnt about the importance of being 'bright at night'.  The boys thoroughly enjoyed the bubble workshop and finished off the term completing lots of Easter activities.

February 2024

Another very busy month in Class 9.  We completed our work on Winter and arctic animals.  

The boys started our new topic of 'Travel and Transport'.  We sorted the vehicles into land, sea or air.  We have focused on vehicles on the land and created beautiful work for our display.  We also looked at those with wheels or no wheels and did a traffic survey to see how many different vehicles passed the school in 5 minutes.

We have also celebrated Chinese New Year and Shrove Tuesday through activity based learning activities.

As always we have completed lots of literacy, numeracy, cookery and attention autism sessions.

January 2024

Happy New Year from all pupils and staff in Class 9.  It is hard to believe we are starting Term 2.

The boys have been very busy this half term doing lots of hands on learning about Winter with a focus on the weather, clothes we need to wear, looking after animals and birds in the cold weather and Arctic/Polar animals.

We have completed lots of sentence building and fine motor tasks in literacy and subtraction & addition and money work in numeracy.

The boys completed lots of winter themed art activities, attention autism lessons and cookery. 

We also took part in 'High Five Friday' and made Rice Krispie buns, and then gave them to each of the staff and our friends in Middle School. 

We are looking forward to starting our new topic of 'Transport' after half term.     

December 2023

It's hard to believe we have come to the end of Term 1 and the end of 2023!!

 We finished off our 'Castles and Knights' topic by pretending to be knights using our own swords and shields to protect the school castle! 

We decorated our class tree, enjoyed wearing our Christmas jumpers and having our special lunch.  The boys made lots of beautiful handmade decorations, enjoyed Christmas themed art, cookery and lots of literacy and numeracy themed activity based learning.  We thoroughly enjoyed a visit from Santa.

The staff from Class 9 wish everyone a happy and safe Christmas xoxo 

November 2023

Class 9 have had another very busy month.  We started our topic of Castles, Knights and Dragons and have been creating and producing beautiful art work for our displays.  We have worked hard with our reading and word & comprehension work, and in numeracy we did lots of practical subtraction and perposition work.

As usual the pupils loved our attention autism sessions and we have been keen bakers and musicians.

Christmas nativity rehearsals are in full swing and we look forward to preforming for everyone in December.

October 2023

We had another busy month in Class 9.  During topc work on Autumn, we focussed on apples.  The pupils used their senses to explore them, we disected them and found the seeds, core, flesh, skin and stem.  We also sorted them for colour and size, measured them and weighed them.  We also planted the seeds and hope to grow our own trees.  This month we also took part in numercy week with the theme of 'transport'.  We did lots of literacy, cookery, art activities and attention autism sessions.  

September 2023

Class 9 have had a busy September.  Everyone has settled into their new classroom with their new staff and friends.

We have enjoyed lots of literacy and numeracy activities, art, cookery, outdoor learning and our favourite session of the week - Attention Autism.  We even had a splashing time during the hot weather at the start of the month.

May Update

In May we enjoyed lots of outdoor learning, we searched for shapes in of environment and enjoyed P.E. outside in the air! We explored volcanoes and made our own, we even did an experiment to make it go ‘Bam!’ It was such great fun! the Eco Schools also got together to do litter picking in Solitude Park for ‘Live here, love here’.

April Update

A busy and enjoyable month for class 9. Our focus this month was ‘On The Farm’ including what animals can be found there. We explored eggs and the many fun things we can do with an egg including an experiment to see if we could make a rubber egg! Well, we succeeded! Unfortunately they did not bounce

 March Update

Class 9 have enjoyed making a variety of foods during the ‘Healthy Eating’ topic. We’ve learned that healthy doesn’t have to mean boring and the kids changed it up a bit even to make hedgehogs out of grapes! We also enjoyed making Mother’s Day crafts and celebrating St. Patrick’s day. 



February update 2023

Class 9 have been enjoying some outdoors this month as the the Eco club has regrouped! We are currently making plans to create a ‘tidy up’ project in our local area. Our topic is ‘healthy eating’ and we have been enjoying trying out some healthy snacks with a twist. A big congratulations to all pupils who participated in Portadown festival, everyone read their poem so well and received a medal for their achievements! Well done

January update 2023

Happy New Year from class 9! This month we have enjoyed participating in various Winter activities, such as animals found in the Antarctic otherwise known as the South Pole. Class 9 have been focusing on penguins and we have been playing penguin games and creating mini projects on our little flippy friends. We also celebrated Chinese New Year and had a lovely feast.

December update 2022
Class 9 have had a Merry December completing lots of tasks on Christmas to include a mini Winter wonderland! We also enjoyed a game of bowling at Sheepbridge, it was so lovely to hang out with our friends!  


November update 2022

Class 9 have been busy learning about road safety and the importance of looking and listening when crossing the road! We also competed in a ‘New Age Kurling’ competition in the South Lakes Leisure Centre! What a fab day out we had! And not only that but we participated in the Banbridge Festival! Such super stars with one pupil winning the show and another pupil winning the cup!

October update 2022

October has been a wonderful month of new seasonal changes! We have enjoyed looking at the changes to nature and exploring our surroundings. Class 9 explored Autumn through some science experiments and sensory activities, such a spooktacular month!

September update 2022

What a super month! Class 9 have been busy! We started off by looking at what makes me,me, looking at our similarities and differences and celebrating our uniqueness.


We have started to investigate Autumn and enjoyed a walk to Solitude Park to find Autumn leaves for our sensory tray.

Hello June

We have had a great month.

Disney Fun Day, Prize Giving and Topic Work

Well done class 9 and happy summer holidays to everyone.

Hello May from Class 9

We have had a great month....

Farm Topic Work, soda bread, learning about the Balmoral Show and a brilliant trip to Tannaghmore Farm and Park.

Hello April from Class 9.

We have had a great month.

Chicks came to see us all in Class 9, our pupils were so gentle and excited to see them.

We all took such pride in our Thomas Day Out Showstopper, big mention to Drew for arranging our train track, we came 3rd!

Our Easter Artwork was great fun, especially painting our feet.

And we all love to play outside in our playground on the bikes and basket ball.

Happy March from Class 9.

We have had a very busy month. We really enjoyed the pottery, artwork and decorating mother's day gifts. We have also been working very hard on our money skills. On Tuesday we have fun fitness with Rachel outside.

Our best adventure was a brilliant day out at Tollymore Forest Park, the weather was lovely and Class 9 had a brilliant day.

Happy February from Class 9

We have amazing artists in our class  ........ snowy owls, polar bears, winter trees, hedgehogs and of course... hearts!

Class 9 January 2022

Happy New Year to Everyone.

We are very busy working on activities in our Winter topic and Cookery. 

December 2021

Big Cheers from Class 9, we had a yummy lunch in the Belmont Hotel.

Class 9 pupils would like to wish you all a very Mery Christmas and Happy and Safe  2022.

November update 2021

Topic Work, "Celebrations" and Cookery. Our Silly Sock Day, thanks for your support. Also included is our amazing Super Heroes Strong Poster.

October 2021 update - 

October was a busy month of fun-filled activities. We enjoyed our Numeracy week, Cookery sessions and super group activities for Halloween.

September 2021 update - 

A big welcome back to all our pupils in Class 9. We have been busy settling into our new class and have been practicing our independent cookery skills. Yummy!


Another busy week in Class 9.  We also got a chance to get outside and enjoy the sun. 

Welcome to Class 9's web page. To get us started I thought I would share some of what we have been up to over the past few months. We have had a few birthdays and have begun our topic on Famous Artists. We hope you can see that we have some  'famous artists' of our own. We also hope that you can see how much fun school life can be. Enjoy!



Class 9 Update - January 2020

In Class 9, we have been busy again with our functional tasks; particular attention was paid to practicing making break, taking turns and waiting for an afternoon snack. We have also been making friends with others in the junior school and engaging well with Attention Autism activities.

April 2020